I'll admit that I enjoy talking about myself.
I would consider myself humble, at least until you got to know me. I'm troubled with the idea of writing a lot about myself, it seems so narcissistic. Which, to me, seems to incorporate a negative connotation. Ah, fuck it... we are all friends here, right? And last time I checked I was the only one with a password for this blog.....and it's not like I'm making you read this!
So, let me describe myself: I am a thirty-four year old guy. My world revolves around my two-year old daughter, Gracie. I am also a thrill seeker. However, I think the more current term is adrenaline junkie. I have more hobbies than free time - which is an issue. I'm working on a way to balance these two facets of my life. In no particular order I love boating (i.e., anything involving water: wakeboarding, jet-skiing, SCUBA diving, swimming, surfing, fishing, yachting - wow, that sounds yuppie), motorcycles - street and dirt, bicycling - mountain and road, skate(ing) - boarding and ice, golf, and let's throw in guns and motors in case there wasn't enough testosterone already there. I love being outdoors and doing something - anything. I'm self-diagnosed with an adult version of ADD. Which means I don't do well at family type events where I'm forced to sit all day.
Other things that might help you get to know me: I rarely watch TV. In fact, I don't have cable or satellite - just an antenna and some local stations! I am a music man. My stereo is my life. I listen to everything and love music, of all types, especially acoustic. However, I have little to no musical abilities with the exception of being able to sing along with the music at extremely high levels in my car - yes, I'm "that guy" - the one you see singing in his car - hate me if you must. I have also developed an enjoyment for reading. Oh, god.... I don't believe I'm about to admit this, but for some reason it feels therapeutic to get this out in the open: I have read every book Nicholas Sparks has written. Did I forget to mention I am not gay, not that I have a problem with that, just that I really enjoy women, especially this one:
I'm adopted. This is huge. In fact, this has shaped my life more than any other single event. It has truly made me the person I am in so many ways. Today, as I sit here and type this I am enjoying the love of not one mother, but three. (yeah, I know, I'll have to explain). Did I mention that it's a good thing? I'm grinning as I type, it is a good thing!
I also have a day job. I have a background in electronics and business management and I currently do sales and marketing for a electronics manufacture. It provides me a lot of freedom and experiences I would have never experienced on my own....and it helps support my aforementioned hobbies above. I have also enjoyed being a slum-lord in the past and have a knack for fixing and fixing up things. Oh, and I almost forgot, I have a lead foot - which is starting to get expensive!
That's pretty much me....

(I forgot to say "cheese")