I was told once that I was a Republican. It was an interesting and humorous conversation. I had invited some friends aboard my boat; they brought with them some additional friends that I had never met. One was a Republican who held an elected position within our state. Throughout the evening - as you might imagine - politics were discussed. Mind you, I try to steer clear of these conversations as often as possible due to my own mixed views and often lack of knowledge to speak intelligently on most political subjects. At one point however, this guy suggested I was in fact a Republican. I actually stopped him and questioned his quick labeling of my voting record. Up until that point I had not added to any of the conversations in a way that could have offered insight into my views; but without missing a beat he said, “You own a f*&!ing yacht! You are a Republican!”
Over the years I have mostly allowed that label to stick. Very often though, find myself having serious issues with many of the ideas, beliefs, and the people associated with both parties. I rarely find myself talking politics unless I get dragged into the conversation. I find that I have very deep rooted beliefs which are emotionally tied to who I am and the choices I make. Some fall on the left, some on the right.
When I came across the above bumper sticker I laughed! Clearly I enjoy “half-full” references and I think this one speaks volumes about what is wrong with the two-party system in our country.