F'ing A!!!!
After a pletheora - f'it, i'm drunk, I don't need to know how to spell, much less try to use big words for YOU - after a pelethora (spelled differenly on purpose to prove I'm only have drunk) of drunk emails sent tonight to people who probably should not be getting emails from ME - I decided to make a blog post. Why the f- not? Seriously, we all do it from time to time, and I figured I could look back at this when I was sober and go, wow, Tony, you really need to lock up the Vodka, because that shit works! Either that or come up with a password that any drunk guy - or sober guy for that matter can hack! Well, this has been fun and that's about all I got, off to make another vodka/7 and delete some more old emails. Hope you all enjoy as much as I will tomorrow! Oh, why do I get the feeling this is going to hurt?
Peace out, N1!~

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