I thought this was worth reposting from WikiHow. Here is the original link: http://www.wikihow.com/Bond-With-Your-Adopted-Child
Bonding with your adopted child can be easier than you think. The level of difficulty will vary depending on the child's age and the experiences they went through in foster care or with the biological parents, but this article assumes they are past the infant and toddler stage. The main thing to remember is that the child does want to be loved and find a stable and supportive home, no matter how distant or upset they may seem.
1 Spend time with your child, and show your love.Love the child. Let them know that you are there for them and that you would like to spend time with them.
2 Take the time to interact with your child, such as teaching him or her new things.Find activities that the child will be interested in that will benefit them intellectually and emotionally. Spend time with them so that you can learn more about them and bond.
3 If you live in a culture that values privacy and personal space (e.g., modern western cultures), give them a personal space to spend time in, and respect that space as theirs. Knock on the door before entering, and, no matter how much you may dislike it, allow them to decorate and paint (or help them paint) the room so that it is their own space. They need to feel that the new home is their own and that they can feel comfortable staying there. Howbeit this may not be practical if they must share rooms with others, as not every family is able to afford each family member his or her own space, especially in developing countries. It is more important to emphasise mutual love and respect for all members of the household.
4 If your child is of a different religion or nationality than you, respect it. Ask the child if they would like to celebrate certain holidays or parts of their heritage, and, if applicable, try to learning about them. Ask the child if they can help you to learn about the religion or heritage/celebration. Go to the library or search online about what is involved and have the child show you what they know about it. It may not be part of what you consider "the holidays" but it will need to be from now on. Even if the child doesn't speak up about it, you still need to ask if they would like to celebrate or learn about it. Otherwise, resentment may quietly build. Don't worry too much about holidays. Focus on unreserved love for the child, and taking care of his or her needs.
5 Ask questions, but don't pry. Talk about their past in an open way. Never try to hide the fact or forget the fact that they were adopted. Staying open and honest will make them trust you and will turn you into "mom or dad" faster than lying or faking it ever would.
6 Let the child have some control over the family choices. Let them choose a family dinner each night, a family activity each week, a game you play, or a movie you see. They need to have a little bit of control in a life that has previously been so out of their control.
7 Never put down or attack the biological parent's character. Even if they gave the child up for adoption for horrible reasons and even if you disagree with their lifestyle, don't tell the child that the biological parents were "bad" or "worthless". No good can come of this, it will only reflect badly upon you in the long run. Remember, if you have nothing good to say about someone, then do not say anything. Benjamin Franklin once said this regarding his success in interpersonal relationships: I speak of all the good things of men, and none of the bad.
8 Relax. The relationship will build with time. As the child begins to see that you respect and care about them, love will grow. They will slowly begin to see you as "mom or dad" and their early life will become less important as they become involved in school, sports, etc. Just try and be an open and honest parent, and everything will work out fine!
9 Know when to seek professional help. Many children are adopted from abusive homes, drug dealer homes, nonfunctional homes, and may have seen and been involved in harsh home situations. Quite often, the adopted child may have emotional issues and learning disabilities that may require professional help to overcome.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010

It had less of a following, but just as great a potential to paralyze our civilization. That’s right, Y2K+X or 2010 for those not wanting to do the math. It did, really. I wouldn’t joke about this kind of calamity. I mean, there are probably some IT guys still hiding under their desks with their Y2K survival kits that include a back pack full of bottled water, some ready to eat meals and their life savings in small bills. Michael S. Hyatt wrote The Y2K Survival Guide and made us all believe that cows were going to stop eating grass and corn would stop growing when the clock struck midnight ten years ago.
I was pretty lucky – in a way – I had waited to long to order my Y2K underground protection shelter and the construction company said they wouldn’t be able to get to mine in time. So, I did pretty much what the majority of the world did that night – I partied like a rock star and celebrated the turning of the millennium on the dance floor with a drink in hand! If we were going to go down, we were going to go down drunk and with a smile on our face! It seems like just yesterday. Maybe because yesterday was not all that different! Even so, it was still ten years ago. They say time flies when you are having fun – so I guess I’ve been having a blast!
I decided to make this my first interactive post – you know, as a tribute to all those IT people who saved our lives that cold, dark night some ten years ago as they diligently upgraded systems and ran tests that included fake dates. I’m asking you to respond to this post with the story of how you spent the changing of the millennium. And like every major corporation asked that year: don’t forget to include your contingency plan!
2010 Goals

They say you should write down your goals and tell your friends what you plan to accomplish. It makes sense, really. I mean, unless your friends are jerks and would try to talk you out of doing something your heart desires. Not mine. I could tell them I wanted to do something dangerous and crazy and they would be there, beer in hand, cheering me on! I have the best friends.
So, in an effort to bring my goals for 2010 to fruition, I decided to write them down and share.
1) Keep a positive attitude!
2) Exceed my company’s sales goal by $100K.
1) Run a full marathon.
2) Complete a half Iron Man Triathlon.
3) Get to and maintain 170 pounds.
4) Read at least one book a month.
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