It had less of a following, but just as great a potential to paralyze our civilization. That’s right, Y2K+X or 2010 for those not wanting to do the math. It did, really. I wouldn’t joke about this kind of calamity. I mean, there are probably some IT guys still hiding under their desks with their Y2K survival kits that include a back pack full of bottled water, some ready to eat meals and their life savings in small bills. Michael S. Hyatt wrote The Y2K Survival Guide and made us all believe that cows were going to stop eating grass and corn would stop growing when the clock struck midnight ten years ago.
I was pretty lucky – in a way – I had waited to long to order my Y2K underground protection shelter and the construction company said they wouldn’t be able to get to mine in time. So, I did pretty much what the majority of the world did that night – I partied like a rock star and celebrated the turning of the millennium on the dance floor with a drink in hand! If we were going to go down, we were going to go down drunk and with a smile on our face! It seems like just yesterday. Maybe because yesterday was not all that different! Even so, it was still ten years ago. They say time flies when you are having fun – so I guess I’ve been having a blast!
I decided to make this my first interactive post – you know, as a tribute to all those IT people who saved our lives that cold, dark night some ten years ago as they diligently upgraded systems and ran tests that included fake dates. I’m asking you to respond to this post with the story of how you spent the changing of the millennium. And like every major corporation asked that year: don’t forget to include your contingency plan!
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